Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I think i need a new concept blog...

a ONE-photo-ONE-caption posts blog...


..if only i am four inches taller..

catchy, simple, to-the-point!
yes? no?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cheesecake factory! <3

my 2nd saturday, in CA.
Vanessa(elder sis) fell sick,
while Adrienne(younger sis) have finals to atten
d next week,
and Heidi has no friend. :(
So all there's left to do is stay home :((

The cold is such a booboo. :(
I'm always awaken by the low temperature in the middle of the night. eww.
& couldnt go back to sleep soon enough. eww2.
jet lag recurring. :(
then i got so bored, I start preparing breakfast.
at 3 in the morning. no kid!
thank goodness there's loads of ingredients at home, otherwise i'll have a tough time waiting for time to pass. :/
eww, this post is getting as boring as i feel! >:(

Anyways, curious as what i made for breakfasts?
I tried risotto friday morning, it was very tasty while it was still warm, but real nasty when it turns cold. Like heaven to hell, it gets hard and sticky c
old. I'd describe it as "nose poop", if you understand. hahahahaha.
So ppl, have risotto as much as you can in warmer weather! :P
Then I tried Lotus root soup with ribs and peanuts today.
My sisters says its okay, but i personally think it lacks something. (told you i'm a critique)
I could only taste fats(from ribs) and plain lotus root despite putting it to boil for approximately 6 hours and a lot of salt (imo).
hmm.. am i lacking any other ingredients?

*btw, no photos because i was still groggy from the lack of sleep & brain freeze.

I go back to bed when the sun is up, cause the temperature is more bearable then, and sleep the day away. wtf. sadness right?
went to micheal's to get christmas balls.

our christmas tree~
which gets all the heated air, because thats where its placed: before the heater. while I chill my limbs off. (ass is unsurprisingly the warmest, cause I sit so much.) tsk. lol.

And went for a ride with A. that crazy girl was still craving for FROZEN YOGURT despite the chilly weather. o_o
Thank goodness it wasnt open, haha. *evil*
So she brought me to a student hangout spot, to get bubble tea.
Then i force her to bring me elsewhere pretty, because it is just so boring!
(sucky architecture. cheap lighting. loads of "gang-ish" students hanging in the carpark. wtf.)
And we got to Santana Row on GPS! woohoo.
at 11.20pm. :D

Santana Row, San Jose, is sorta like Pasadena in LA (my absolute favourite place in America :D).
just lacks ppl.
I was here last year, love the concept, love the deco, but it still lacks crowd. *shrugs*
its "lifeless". architecture is pointless without "life" living in them.

Then like our visit last year, we went to the Cheesecake Factory, again, as our final stop. haha!
♥ ♥ ♥

This is their 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Chocolate Cake.
its a combined recipe of their original Cheesecake with (my previous favourite) Chocolate Fudge Cake.
mm-mm-Mmm, so divine! okbye!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

*high pitch*-"HI, HOW ARE YOU?!"

greetings from america!

how do i like it so far??
hmm... lets say, i still have not adapt to their sense of humor. (and spellings; its humour in British, so much more elite, dont you think? :P) haha.
and i also have not adapt to the way how americans are always so "happy".
i find this rather scary.
if there's a way to describe it, i supposed it'll be "like something truly out of the storybook", which is surprising because this isnt disneyland. you know what i mean?
but i suppose its a very good practice because they are very encouraging.
for example, you were invited for dinner at a restaurant.
after dinner, host asks you what do you think about the food.
normally, in malaysia, it wouldnt be odd or rude to give an honest feedback, if its bad, you can say "i didnt like it."
here, you have to say "it was awesome!" and it will be more polite if you say "ummm, this is REAALLLY GOOD!" with your mouth full.
cultural shock? yes indeed, considering i am such a critic. :P
haha. but i'm sure i'll adapt real fast. i hope.
be positive right? :)

The 2nd thing i love about america is, Food here makes me shit everyday!
its true, EVERY-DAY!
No more Constipation! :D:D
I hope i didnt just jinx it by saying out loud, to the world. hahaha.
i love shitting.
and they are all very pretty shits!
they're all of GOLD shade. isnt this phenomenon pretty? *adores* rofl.
Its so amazing, we eat home cook food, with ingredients pretty much the same as malaysia, but shitting is just so easy over here.
I couldnt figure the connection between them, what is wrong with malaysian food that causes gradual constipation? hmm... *wonders*

oh btw, on a totally off notice: its 8° right now. ccoooollld. my hands are freezing as i type. *bbrrrrr* :(

okay, where was i? *brain freeze*
Oh! I have something gay and proud to share!
I got into the highest possible english class available for international students. meaning my english is on par with the locals!
arent you all proud of me? :D:D:D

on the other hand, my math sucks. HAHAHAHAHA.
i am officially back to f1-3 math level. I am gonna do algebra all over again! lol.
yes i am very satisfied with my english score, my math score isnt affecting my mood. :D
besides, it was already expected considering i have not touch math for three years. :P *reasons* hahaha.

P/S: i was thinking about posting a comparison photo of how my complexion got slightly better after coming over, but then i couldnt find a photo of my -before. so there's not much difference to just post one. haha.
well then, at least i wont be contaminating your eyes this time! :P hahaha.

good bye now,
♥ Heidi Y.
(yes, wtf, i changed my name again! hahahahaha... everyone was saying "what?!" and how they would name their DOGS terri. wtf. but anyways i guess i'll be sticking to this one, since i already introduce myself as Heidi to everyone. its another story how "heidi" came about. rofl)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

i thought i'm not going to, but i am anyways.

omg, this post is gonna be such a girl!

Yesterday, I was channel flipping then a sudden halt at channel 316, and the bar reads "BIG BOSS..." so cliche right the title? wtf
so anyways, the opening theme was playing and it was wtf damn poor quality (damn low pixels can see graphic burst) anyonewouldinstinctivelyswitchtothenextchanneliswear, but i didnt. i dont know why, it isnt my normal behavior.
Next thing I know, they were speaking about personal paranormal experience, and I was glued to the screen. I love paranormal stories. wtf.

Then it rained again, just as it would when it strikes 3pm for the past few days. Oh i hate going out on rainy day. But I have to go exchange qing's shoes at Cotton On, because she's a size 7, and i bought size 37 for her. wtf. I get really annoyed with malaysia lah. like seriously fuck shit, there's no "STANDARDIZATION". I am a US 5.5, wears nose size 4 and miscellaneous size 5.
Then at cotton on, there's 30+ shits. wtf.
without a chart. wtf2.
without assistant. wtf3.
fair enough, the flats are really cheap, like rm60 for 2. not the cheapest i get, but moderate enough. but fuck lah. poor service makes it rather not worthy now.
all they have are just "pretty ppl" cashier and shop-lookouts.
I dont think such word exist, but I am positive its the right word to describe their position.

Okay, let me first declare I dont hate Cotton On.
I find their style design fairly hype, but they do lack Colour.
and I have to say their layout is horrible. The circulation space is not designed at all. (I do believe they did not hire an interior designer, otherwise i pity the person. wtf. so many things so little space. siii-kiam-siap!)
There was only one person gap walkspace through out the entire floor arrangement. (have been to OU and Pyramid, both poor but pyramid's poorer.)
It is that small when small ppl like me could even feel stuffed in it.
their layout could easily be compared to cheap departmental store layouts. kid you not.
I suppose they have got the message across to me, if "just get what you want and get out!" is what they're trying to say. :)
They really lack that "happy-land" thing, like in F21 or Topshop, which makes even browsing so entertaining. multicoloured merchandize and good interior is plain ♥, wont you agree? 0:)
Nonetheless, Cotton On is not that bad too. Their only plus point, "more affordable". :)

Now back to the story of shop-lookouts.
See both OU and SP C-o Shop has 2 entrance/exit. of which, i could not notice any beeper (whats that thing called?) allocated near them, because the store really is just too packed.
So "shop assistant" have to arrange displays and looking out for shoplifters. I do pity them for having one extra position than other same retail line.
But its such a turn off. like wtf. are there so many shop lifters around? shame on you malaysians!
(serious shit, just need slight observation and you may spot them eye-ing from afar if anyone is doing something queer WTF)

Anyways, in conclusion, there's nothing I could do about the exchange because i lose the reciept. stupid me indeed :(
But seriously lah, thats not "everything" pun. I only bought it couple days ago (SP branch). They could easily trace back their sales for such purchase and continue with the exchange. I've done this at several international retails too. its just merely a matter of whether the shop assistants would go through the hassle to gain customer loyalty (in simmy language: customer star), or not.
conclusion, C-o tak nak.
*irrelevant info: they have weird crew, ppl who cannot speak decent english. It is stereotype of me, but its like *fish-slap-in-the-face* when English dress style is not paired with English language.
and i was put through 3 different employees who all could not do anything.
oh, this i have to rant.
I went up to this best "english style" shop-lookout because there's no one at the cashier. (he was seriously eye-ing the racks when i approached him!)
and told him my situation. fyi i have this weird accent when i speak english. dont ask me which country am i imitating, i just blurt an accent. i dont know where i picked it up. wtf. he could not understand me. and i was staring at him stupid while he stared at me stupid. wtf. then he went on with broken english phrase. no sentence structure. "exchange, you, need, bill, *draws a rectangular with 4 fingers* bill. ok? *smile*". babified. Seriously i was staring straight on at him with vulgars filling my head that couple minutes right after he spoke. wtf. and i repeated myself in a much slower pace than i usually do "yea, I understand I need a reciept for the exchange, but I dont have it. *explains specific situation* Can you please do something about it?"
He stared at me with a sour smile.
Then this annoyed pretty girl who so happens to pass by, flicked her eyes at me, then eye-contacting "any matter" to the guy. wtf?
He then "explained" in weird patched up english again to her. And i just cut him straight off to explain myself. again. (I was trying to work under than 15 mins free parking charge).
Oh she's awesome. She said "sorry. wait ah. TASHAAA!" *screams for "manager"*
Tasha, now we all know, took several loooong minutes before attending to an upset customer (me). apparently "arranging" displays is whats more important to attract customer. but heck the whole shop looks like a mess, and there's really not much difference with her said "arrangement". serious shit am even more upset.
I then explained my situation in my weird english accent again. and haha stupid floor manager Tasha stereotype back at me. HAHA! and carried on her explain of exchange policy in pure malaysian slang. damn pain to the ears, from some one who dress US now. she's in Uggs. in malaysia. wtf? Wannabe!
I then pleaded with puppy eyes. cause fuck i'm short. i couldnt do the stare. i mean i could, if only i'm seated along everyone. while explaining the whole situation again. catching a plane, the receipt is not with me, could not make it in time really! what am i to do with a pair of shoes i could not wear? hello, please help? be a little more flexible. PLEASEEEEE.
and again PURE MALAYSIAN SLANG "cannot. i understand your situation *damn unconvincing look* but i cant do anything cause i cannot write a report without your receipt *stereotype look*"
I then stated out, there's like 721827319387 of the same kind, you could have easily just switch it for me, (and it hit me, i could have just do the weird thing, switch the shoes right off, and walk out. since there's not techy device anyways. fuck.)
conclusion: "cannot!" straight on.
fuckkker.. damn stupid lah seriuosly.

I thought ppl nowadays are supposed to be smarter?
we are suppose to practice quick thinking at problem solving, and should be fairly more customer service-able after years of experience.
heck I even gain knowledge as to how to handle a difficult customer through my young years of shopping experience, yet they cant even achieve "peace solution" despite being "floor manager".
I was not the most difficult customer.
I gave up, just as the 15 minutes timeframe ends.
MD. these stupid shoes are now rm61 for ONE workable pair.

oh by the way, another good practice Tasha owns. She gave mom the store line.
Sunway Pyramid. Cotton On.
03-5631 0759.
being very upset too, mom dialed the number just as we left pyramid. explains how very upset she is about their service, and offer if we could to write them a feedback for the report.
TASHA said "ow.. *pause* erm, can i call you back please? i'm with a xxx right now. thanks."
she never called back. mom tries again every hour.
1st she was on break, next she's busy... wont you be fed up with some manager like this?
"Good PR" definitely *sarcasm*
Anyways, in resort, I feedback-ed on www.cottonon.com.au. I know it would not be much help, especially with the HQ overseas, but there's no malaysian website. you couldnt even find malaysia in the "branches" provided on site.

now happy moments.
I finally self-altered my online-bought pink blazer. with the help of lovely DDM owner, kacy's sewing machine! ♥
followed tightly with my first L4D play with Eiko-unnie, Loo2-unnie and CY dongseang. ♥ ♥ ♥
By far the best online game!
not that i play much, heehee. :P

reach home around 2am. when to clean and prepare for bed.
bloghopped for a while and saw halloween pictures on thy-dowager.blogspot.
lie on bed at 3+. and suddenly realize. heck i think i have too much paranormal story for a day!
and started hallucinating imagining smokers, ju-ons and the witch all around my room. On my closet, from the toilet door, and shadows under the room door to the family hall. wtf. until i got too tired and eventually fell asleep.

but why am i awake (again) and typing such long stories right now?
NIGHTMARE! obviously.
wtf. i woke at 5.30. by some freakish paranormal attack without a gun to back me up!

All i have is the remnants of cotton twine strings (architecture model materials) and thread (I was sewing these days) around the room. wtf. sad-nya. :(
Apparently, this tvb drama aunty who always acts as psychic, alerted the paranormal by sewing on the sewing machine in my room, during a thunderstorm. I'm not sure if its a pantang hour she sew at, or if she sew the raindolls (Teru teru bozu) too ugly and angered it. haha.
then *gradual dramatic thunder strikes* and old black and white flickering screen on my laptop, the possessed white cloth (half way through production) came flying to attack me. heck i dunno how that tvb aunty just disappears after snickering at me when she triggered them. such a witch! ugh. :O
Then i tied the incomplete possessed doll with the first thing i grab from my study table, cotton twine strings. and started smashing it agains the wall. and it bleed. wtf? scarily, my door was stuck open by an unknown force just as i shouted from my room for my parents. for help and also for company. I heard my mom's reply from her room and walk cautiously towards my room door, with the bleeding *dead?* incomplete one in my arm for "bail". which i then face to face with a 3meters UGLY raindoll outside the family hall window. wtf.wtf.wtf. it was so sad hanging/flying there in the rain, staring at me (if it has eyes). so even more dramatically scary with the thunder lighting. wtf.
I could not be bothered as it stared & put a curse on me while I staggered towards my parents room and fiddled with the door knob. I only got into the room after several desperate attempt. But mom and dad wasnt there as i heard them.

wtff.. i think i hate halloween.
lol. okay now i shall sleep. in peace. its 8am. already.
"goodnight" ♥

Friday, November 13, 2009

good morning. *sarcasm*

hello, 10.24am.

I understand those who have to wake up early for work and school.
you may whine "fuck, why do i have school/work! T.T"
but its actually cool to have school/work.
its great that you have something to wake up for in the morning.

They say, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"
I do agree, but i also stand by a point where "it must be a lovely meal worth break-fast to!" otherwise, the day would just go downhill. i kid you not.

and for an off-time student, there's absolute no reason for me to wake up early in the morning.
I find waking up solely for "breakfast", is the stupidest thing ever.
(1)because there's absolutely no "lovely break-fast" around.
hawkers these days are sucky. Either they get the food right or the drinks right, its rather amusing they can never master both. its not like these hawkers have 2 jobs. they have "professional coffee ppl" and "professional noodle ppl" and still they cant complement each other.
(2)because aside from having your breakfast, you have nothing else to do except watching bugs wheezing about, and you cant kill them cause if you do you have absolutely nothing to entertain yourself. wtf.

I dont even rmb having a "favourite breakfast corner" in recent years, reason isnt because i never wake up early enough for them but there's just no "good breakfast" to look forward anymore. :(
I am serious, I have this theory "Good food only starts at brunch" & it is reinforced by the years, you wouldnt read if i continue to rant on details of sucky morning hawkers. :((
oh! at least SABD days still have lovely sandwiches to start the day, even if it is slightly overpriced & without drink, because we usually have our breakfast bought to class :D good days! ♥
well at least i didnt have reason to sulk because the drink is sucky. wtf.

anyways, in conclusion, breakfast is a waste of time, waste of energy.
then why am I awake you ask?
simple. my mom wants me to eat.

and do you wanna know the way she cheats me out of bed this morning?

yes, the sound of the city woke me. wtf. lol.
I havent been to the city for sooo long, i miss Pavillion, Bukit Bintang, and KLCC. why in particular, i could not answer. I just miss walking around these places. :)
force myself into the shower because i have a very nasty morning temper whenever i dont get my 9 hours sleep. and i knew they were gonna force me to some sucky breakfast first.

P/S: I got conned to wake up for breakfast. they already left for the city while i'm still doing my hair, and didnt even told me until i called them at their favourite morning canteen with sucky food and drink. yes i am pissed. but wtf. imma go to kl now! :D

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I know the key to having a harmonious relationship with an elderly person requires patient, love and more patient.
and I can be patient.

I am patient when i'm doing work. I am patient on the highway. I am patient while eating.
I can be patient sitting infront of the dumbbox researching most of the time just so i could get something smart out of it. I can be patient spending time doing proposals which i might never use. I am so patient, I would smile and wait my turn when there's a line and most ppl would have just cut the queue to demand faster attendance. I can be patient spending all my time trying out/learning new programs by myself, if I want to. I will wait patiently if anyone finds it difficult in finding the right words before helping (if i know the word/term). I am patient, thus I knit. and I can be more patient, if you speak to me in a less stressful tone (never scream/shout/high tone on me please. no big baby tones too. i'll slap memalukan you or ignore you indefinitely.)

but sadly, my grandma can only speaks in high tones or SHOUTS. except for that 3 times a day when she's eating.
and my respond? very similar to "talk to the hand!" (cause she's my grandma)
no joke.


*thunder-slapped by GOD*

Thursday, October 29, 2009

note. THE DATE.

yes, I know Halloween's around the corner!

and I've got an invite from the youngsters for a night at the curve.
the whole plan, i'm not quite sure, but considering i'm currently ridiculously low on social level, of course I said YES!

however, there is something that is troubling me.
My issue is : I AM CURRENTLY HAVING A RIDICULOUSLY BAD SKIN, should I still proceed wearing dramatic make-up for the night, for the fun of the holiday?
it may be a meh! *waves away hand motion* for alot of people about my said issue.
but its so dejecting to even look my face in the mirror i kid you not. :(

Well, truth be told, I have actually decide to go make-up free. For I just had my face cleansed by certified beautician, and is actually scheduling for a thorough cleansing treatment next week, which would not be cheap. Mainly because I am leaving in a month time and could not afford risking this scraped face any further. HAHA. lame.

Anyways, of course I wont have such lame post.
I come across this awesome 15 year old on youtube, who's really good at make up.
She've got some awesome halloween make up tutorials.
among my favourite, Freddy and Heatherette.
You guys should really try them out, if you decide to haunt on the 31st night that is. :)

(where do i find the embed codes from youtube?! i am indeed failing in this digital world. T.T) wuu~ *haunts*

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 19, 2009

bubble tea.

Bubble Jasmine Green Tea~

while I was savoring this lovely cold drink on such warm day like everyday today.
Suddenly I read..


in english:

Why are corpse cold?
Because find peace, and we would be cooled.

I am defeated.
whats the true intention of such message?
"enjoy a cup of bubble tea, and you would find peace, just like a corpse" :D
=_=" w.t.f.?

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Tweety's Good.
He's slowly getting back his body temperature.

and I have cool friends.
they are so cool I find myself consulting a Girl on Digital stuff,
and Guy on beauty regime and products.

aren't they the coolest?? ;)

you may question, why this blog is so full of emoness.

I may answer, because i am an overly sensitive individual.

its been a year and 3 days in exact, since the day Lucky passed away.
Today, i woke up to a huge accommodation downstairs, whereby the maid and dad was trying to feed Tweety a quarter dose of Panadol.

Every single memory of Lucky's final couple days came flooding back vividly. Immediate mourn overwhelm me, and I turn grey on a fine sunny saturday's morning. I am pissed with daddy, who then encouraged mommy's idea in feeding lucky a panadol. He never learns the lesson. And I am even more pissed with the maid, for out of sincerity I tried to communicate with her in Malay, but she is ignorant to do as she was told. She even has the gut to continue feeding him after I told her to stop (without my notice of course, because I went out). Later on added "look, he's doing fine, he even ate a whole bowl of dog biscuits! :D". yes I am very pissed.

you may comfort me by saying, Its only a quarter dose, it should not be enough to do something fatal. I hope so too. I googled again, as I did a year ago, and the answer to "Is it safe to feed dogs Panadols?" is still not concluded. Some say it is fatal, especially to cats. some says it is fatal depending on dog breeds. some says its not. but none, gave me the exact answer, in regard to small dogs. You may also say, if you're so insecure, visit a vet. I had, after lucky's death, I've questioned 3 vets, from different animal clinics, and i got, "its more advisable to give them aspirin."(got hope, but not answering), "its okayyy~ its ok!" (damn selambar kind), and the best answer I got, "I dont think taking 2 dose of panadol pill within this 2 days was the kill for your dog." (with an extremely unconvincing look on his face, i bet he's a fresh graduate and is not quite sure except some books said so.)

I am trying to convince myself, it should be too light to make any damage.
He's napping right now, because its such a hot day (although i dont feel it at all being indoor), and its already his nap time (it really is). But his body temperature is colder than usual, which reminds me so bad, that couple days how Lucky's felt too.

praying for the best. please let Tweety be safe.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

那 人生的第一次s

果真 。。


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

stupid, i'm only TWENTY ONE!

accompanying my dad, I brought my grandmother to the hospital today.

i dont know what went wrong, besides maybe (1) I was in the passenger seat, (2) there's only the three of us, and (3) I have bad skin ;(. (3) is damn sad ok, i'm so depressed.

accordingly, I first greeted the wheelchair attendant, then the receptionist, proceeding to emergency attendants #1, following, valet attendant (to retrieve her previous medicines), again to emergency attendant #1, with #2, #3, and dr.A, a little later, attendant #4 and Dr.C., then administrations, and finally HDU attendant #1 & #2.

as you may have guessed, from my title, I had my very first AGE GUESS impact.
yes. very "thunder storm" kind. T.T wuuu~
Emergency attendants #1, #4, dr. A (damn degrading ok doctor, no caps for you!), valet attendant, administrations, and HDU attendant #1, all asked me the same question separately.
"So you are.... the daughter of the patient?"


mind you my grandmother is 80 y.o.
how the eff is a then 60 y.o. able to fertilize me?
Even a 50 y.o. could not be healthy enough to fertilize someone as healthy as me ok. (despite being small in size, i'm perfectly perfect!) and fucking degrading, myself, to even think myself as a presumable 30 y.o. just to entertain your low mentality. wtf.
yes i am very pissed and i doubt their profession (5 out of 6 is of "health service" department. now you see malaysians standard. ouch.). wtf.
babi. i do hate hospitals.
thankfully, they gave me reason to hate them more today. :)


p/s : apparently someone's curry is more important than listening to my once-in-many-weeks, whats more, first AGE IMPACT story. tsk. >:[

Monday, October 5, 2009

채미이는데? :)

Some might not know, but I live in an awesomely strict guarded neighborhood. (yes, I am proud of it.)
We have an elite security system, where guest must first register at our guard house. Next, a call from the guard house to the visiting household for confirmation before being let in.
Isnt this awesome? I feel so elite. lol. wtf.

Anyways, today I had the funniest call ever from the guard on duty.
Situation: Dad and I was returning upon dinner, cousin and family was held up at the guard house.
Cous.: Hey, there's a slight problem, they're not letting us in, i'll pass you on, hold on.
Guard: Hello, this is from guard house.
Me: Yes, Hi. *gives address and details*
Guard: Hello, I tried calling your house, but no one's answering *clears throat* no one's pick up the phone *clears throat*
Me: huh? (grandma and the maid's at home)
Guard: *clears throat* no one .... they only speak chinese!

bwahahahaha. I laughed so hard after hanging up, my dad's looking at me funny. hahahahaha.

isnt this interesting? :)

Anyways, had an interesting outing with kacy after such a long time.
Had lunch at Ikea, and went for a walk at the curve sunday market. just like old days. :)
It was fun.
What's more interesting is that after such long time apart, we still eye the same thing.
Diam Cake, weave bag, mini hats... There's actually more than mentioned, but i couldnt recall.
Haha, with this girl, its a surprise how we got to know each other better.
The first impression of this girl came to me only after 5 years knowing "such person is in my school". (Lol, I dont rmb ppl who I dont have class with, but then again, I dont rmb all my classmates either *falls*) When I always ponteng to her class, and one day laughed very cartoonishly at what Ivy had said, which she (ivy) then pointed out that we (kacy and me) laugh alike. Similar prom clothes (which she wears it better), sunday markets & boutique shopping (skip the malls! but still she does it better, her nick IS shopaholic), not to forget... 동방신기! :)
Rather comforting to know bits of this special connection still remains till today.
To say it in korean: 신기내? :)


p/s: Kacy, the spaghetti straps you got me, fits perfect! thanks babe. ;)

p/s 2: Its been awhile since I said "spaghetti straps", all of the similar kind I have, I call them "singlets". But this is too lady for me to call it that. Its been awhile, since I get new lady tops for my closet too. me love. :)

p/s 3: The pretty spaghetti straps kacy bought me, is made of bright red checkered cloth, folded in a neat rectangular. I jump at first glance because I only register: Tablecloth!
hahahahaha. :P

Sleep tight everyone 0:)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

:) I am back.

Excuse me for procrastinating for so long.
have finally sent mr.kent off on monday. :)

hee, notice i've smiley faces even though its not exactly the brightest days?? :)

yes, i am truly contented <3
where have i been for this one month time?
answer: spending time with the boy. (obviously)
never alone, but its still good. :)

I did not weep at the gates,
cause he told me not to + I dont know most of them who sends him off.
very challenging ok, for someone who weeps so easily. :(
no doubt, i got very emo when i got home. I am quite impressed by myself. manage to tahan all the way from KLIA through dinner then home, which was 2 hours later, before emo-ing infront of mr.mbp, in my room. *wow*
even my mom was shocked, she thought i'd be crying cat and dogs before i got home. she was so worried. hahaha.<3

anyways, it was a lovely month.
+ he's enjoying Portsmouth, and SPEAKING ENGLISH. <3
impressive, his english is getting more fluent, and slowly diffusing the thick malaysian accent after only three days. i'm so proud of him :D

yes, everything's good. :D
Goodnight everybody.
Be safe.

*Oh yes, as i promised.
The birthday gift i got myself.


notice anything??


jeng jeng jeng..
yes, i got my wisdom tooth extracted.

Love Faye~

**oh btw, its really quite nice, tho shocking to see how close his family is, as in BIG family, uncle aunties cousins.
Seriously, i've never seen this huge sending off group. say, i supposed it was over 20ppl. no joke, it was 20+ sending ONE off.
or maybe its just me, being ulu or should i say too "in"?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

bored! >:[

Urgh. I still could not find my camera transfer cable, so i can not show you what i got myself for my birthday :(

neither could i upload pictures from the recent trip.

my dear lovely friends, worry not! :)
i am quite thick skin when it comes to friends matter, dont you forget.
as annoying as i may be, i would still continue bugging you guys. so fret not! ;)
the previous post is just to remind myself to be more hardworking in meeting everyone, and making myself more available when you need help :)
Hwaiting! :D <333

Despite the traffic, it was a fresh experience i had with Cameron Highland.
cause with my family, its always check in-steamboat-sleep-petai-home ritual. hahahaha. i am serious, it is that simple and sweet/boring. :P
everyone's quite surprise when they asked me what to do and i said "i dunno!" and i am serious. cause i never go to the market. I dont love strawberries. I dont love corns. Cactus can not survive in my hand. [I think all plants dies in my hand; and here i am gonna majoring in environmental study. wtf. its irrelevant anyways :P]

This time tho, we visited the Night market, first time having sweet potato balls(?), seeing heck loads of strawberries, kena by some "smart" vendor who sells "made from china" cameron merchandise(wtf? hahahaha), bargaining without much success, very limited mushrooms. nothing fresh, but was overall pleasant due to the cool weather. me love! :D

STEAMBOAT. me love! me love! but sadly Camerons steamboat restaurants could never make soups as good as china steamboats. anyhow, i still had fun. :)

Kea Farm, kinda boring, cause every stalls sells similar items, and the sun was high and wind "tamed". no pretty potted pink daisy for sale.
they have every other green thing tho. :) oh! and i only realize cameron markets is more pleasant cause they aint icky, cause they dont sell meat! <3
its so much cleaner than our usual market. Which is why i dont go to markets back on flat land (subang) mwahaha. :D

Rose Valley, Lots of lovely daisies and i think those are called poppies (if not wrong, i learn them from sims! no joke.) Yet the sun was so fierce despite the cool wind. I got a slight sunburn on my back and a strip across my cheekbones and nose. *damn proud, first time having sunburn on my flat cheekbones. wtf haha!*
Yes, i also realize i got them from a hill instead of beach, haha, laugh. lol.

Cactus valley/Strawberry farm(?) for awesome AWESOME AWESOME strawberry shake. :9 yumm, it was love love love. i must emphasize. :)))
well, we had strawberry waffles, strawberry pancakes & strawberry sundae too. The waffles are still good, the rest however, i'd say... pictures are deceiving. haha. :P

OH! how could i forget the scary single lane for 2 way drive to the well-known Sungai Palas BOH Tea Plantation with their new over-the-hedge cantilever structure, that has GREEN VALUE? :)
The raw-materials, cantilever, light concept of the tourist centre is beautiful, the green rows of tea hedge all over the hills are also spectacular. it is very serene indeed, i could stay here forever. hahaha. No doubt, being the snob that i am, of course i could pick out flaws still. wtf. (i think you see this coming didnt you? ;P) ]
personal speaking, as appealing as the "tea walk" propose, I think it was surprisingly short. It was too short to be remembered or commented on. You could argue that it consider elders and children respond, but the steps are rather steep for elders, so i'd say it was applied inappropriately for that purpose. For healthy youngsters, it is sorta like a small children play ground. "skip-climb-slide" done. :) slight disappointment for me.
I'd highly recommend the other path. made of fine tar road (fine cause they dont have sudden sinks, malaysians know how "nice" our roads could be). Perfect for elders and kids :)
It still have the same pleasant view of the green cup as far as you can see, with our very own tropical rainforest canopy for shading <3>

Then on our way back to KL, Waterfall! :D

and also bought fresh-lovely-totally-sweet wild PETAI, from the aboriginals :)
they sell the best petais ever! me LOVE! :DD

ookay, i'm going out to meet tracy, who fell sick on my birthday. haha. bye~ <3s

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hello, :)

How do you do??

these simple phrases, I believe was the first two sentences we learn in language.

In Chinese:
你好吗?(ni hao ma?)

Apa Khabar?

안녕하세요? (Annyeonghasaeyo?)

元気ですか? (konnichiwa! genkidesuka?)

Simple eh?

but sadly, I dont say enough of that.

I feel rather down today.
actually, it has not been my best week, but today's the day where it topped it.
One of my bestest friend, caught the flu.
Please pray for her not to get anymore sicker. please oh please.

Anyways, It has been a long time since I dont enjoy my birthday.
Younger, I would dislike it because I could never have my birthday celebration in school. Not that I have a lot of friends to appreciate that. But still, I think it’s pretty awesome to have such big party no? PLUS, we could have that one extra free period! :P haha.

I would wake up in Malaysia on the 31st of August, switch the TV set to Merdeka Parade, and get on with my normal day routine. Ppl ask, if I ever got any privilege for being a national day baby, I dont know, I have never come across any and no they do not send stuff to your house just because its your birthday. Maybe there was such privilege but I miss it because I was lucky enough to be born with a spoon? :) Thank you GOD.

Anyways, I loved how its a home tradition for me to get WESTERN FOOD for my birthday. I lovee steak on my birthday. Savour it once in awhile and its heaven! Have it every other day and its charkeoytiao. I loved how close our family was, having all FIVE of us together, sharing out dishes, drinking underage under guardian, talking, laughing, poking, and having the best dessert to call the night. Everything taste extra incredible with them around. :)

Then, I started celebrating with my friends, a day before, two-days before.. the next thing I know I am celebrating a week ahead through a week later.
Yeapp, 2 weeks celebration! It was a blast. I have awesome family and friends. :D :D :D <3

Next, My elder sis flew off, and the family dinner is incomplete to be as fun. It was still OKAY, as I have numerous friends to keep me busy for two weeks still :)

Later, I lose contact with those not so keen to befriend. And reduced to a week's celebration. I was still truly contented, because, hey, friends come and go, true friends stay. No? :))

Today, my sisters and most of my lovely friends have flown and I became more introvert than before, I suppose. Then, I remember myself as the one who said everything even though improper at times; Now, I remain quiet most of the time, Just because. Considering that I am already quite a quiet person, it is not a good practice, instead of thinking what to say next or rephrasing my words, I got so used to being quiet I sometimes miss that its my turn to speak. haha. It is embarrassing. :P

Anyways, today I pondered the definition of friend.

I suppose the Chinese saying "有难同挡,有福同享" links closely with FRIENDS.
This is what I learnt from my true chinese-speaking friends.
(sorry, I do not know how to translate this part, and do correct me if my words are used wrongly :))

And I realize today, I myself, not "friend" enough to my remaining friends. (I know sounds damn ah lian, excuse me. haha.)
I know I have perform badly when its pretty much, "有福没人享" now. haha.

To my friends,
I have not cared as often even though I understand the purpose of those words at the beginning of this post.
I am unreachable on mobile, most of the time.
I say all the wrong things at all the wrong time.
I very paiseh, to request for outings/yumcha sessions, just because I fear that those little request might be a burden to my friends who are either working or studying, unlike me.
I still say all the improper things. :(
I am such a snob, its a party pooper to have me.

Yet, I thank you all for putting up with me this far. :))

Dont worry, I would not remain upset, it’s my 21st year and I am keen to do better at being a friend. Compromise with me alright? 0:))

<3 more days to go! :D

*** edit! ***


to be disclosed later! :P


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

urgh. midnight post.

I woke up to pee and now i couldnt get back to sleep. wtf.

I slept at 2, went to the toilet an hour ago. kept rolling till i gave up (now). wtf.

hmm... I suppose I shall go search for good movies to stream.

why am I such a light sleeper?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I love him. I love him. I love him.

for being a woman.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

- de.advertisement by kent-

do not, i stress. DO NOT buy BROTHER merchandise!


because it is near to impossible to get replacements.
examples: printer inks.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do you believe in destiny?

I flipped a coin, betting on head-melbourne, tail-uk.

answer: head.

I flipped it again, unsatisfied. switching the bet. (head-uk, tail-melbourne)

answer: tail.

still unsatisfied, I retreated to the one option that seems decent and sincere.
..going Vegetarian.
proposing that if i get into oxford brookes. NOT first years. then i would go on for another month.

result: 1st year or foundation year offer. (conditional offer)

hey sf, maybe its time to realize that there is such thing as Destiny.
and yours isnt in the uk.

P/S: thanks tracy :) with your bungee jump joke. i know it was unintentional, but it reminded me about destiny. maybe it is what it is afterall. <3









Saturday, August 1, 2009


well past my bedtime.

but i cant sleep.

nothing to stress about.

grad school is decided.

not uk. but us.

not architecture. but towards business.

definitely have reasons to the decision made, and i dont think it would be a bad move.

so what else is bothering me?


i suppose it could simply be boredom.

I dont have enough of today!

i suppose i can elaborate since i couldnt get sleep anyway. (no i am not on caffeine, the nearest i got to it was... green tea bun and ice lemontea. wtf? shouldnt be that bad right?? O_O)
So, today have been incredibly short!
the day i so look forward to the whole week, just flew by so fast and its already saturday, yet i only did ONE out of THREE things i look forward to.
but i realize several things today.
1- I loathe dentists. and their clinics.
(yes, note the S. went to several different clinics and i still hate them respectively; except this one old man whom i dont hate, but would be perfect if he speaks less. :P )
Someone should teach them about efficiency, thats what APPOINTMENTS are for in the first place.
2- KTM suck. big time.
i felt like a lost lamb. wtf dont make me sound so innocent. i felt like a lost limb.
yes. it was torment to get stuck in there with 1o898237427434 other ppl, and most of them stink of sweat, due to after work hours. and fuck why must the train stop so frequently which conveniently also shuts its aircon. wtf. i was literally suffocated by sweats and sticky hairy arms around me wtffff. and it took me more or less 45 mins to just get from sentral to subang platform. WTF! eww.
never in my life would i take another ktm train. ever! mark my words.
3- i am really emo-influenced.
4- i hate departures. (everyone's flying off soon!)
5- i love talking to someone, anyone close before i go to bed.
6- i love ma, qing, yan, kent, tracy. for always being there for me.
7- i love grandma for turning better and not asking me to kill her anymore.
8- i love seeing grandma laugh. and smile. :)
9- i love staring at the sky. and green grass.
10- i love coming home. i just hate coming home to silence.
11- i love going out, but i miss home when i'm out.
13- i love cuddling.
14- i wanna need a hug.
15- i wanna meet my tracy bad! :(

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LOL. how come i never learn?? lol.

ookay, i know my life's getting boring when my posts evolves around FB.

but this is so funny i have to share.

No, its not the point about how a BARN is my dream house. (i know its like doot.doot.doot.)

But way before i play this quiz, I was LOL-ing at how someone on my sis's fb could have a barn as a dream house.

and thats the result i get.

However this is not the first time this happen.
months before, i was laughing at how anyone could have "PAIN" as a mask. (fb quizzes too)
no doubt, i had the cream smacked right on my face too!

hahahahahahahahaha. tsk tsk. tell me just why wont i learn?
ok maybe i can tell you the answer: Cause i love laughing at myself too. ;P *rofl*

*** edit ***

look what qing comments.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My First: Talking to a paper.


I am not joking.

I am talking/rehearsing to a paper.


kk, imma back to the paper, got a speaking test to attend in 13 hours!

Goodluck to me!

P/S: its IELTS.

Do pray for me please 0:)

Have a nice day~

Do not act like you know me dude.

**WARNING! Not gonna even attempt to be nice.**

wtf. damn boh liao this guy.
All we have in common is just... oh yes. we were in USAHA. (like that was my choice)
goodness, i would not even do anything to get to know this guy honestly, he's so sad he's bugging me just because he knows me and qing, BY OUR NAMES. fullstop. wtf. (i am serious! that is just exactly how far he knows us!)
why do i only hate him, when there's like 23724y1243774 other ppl who knows us sisters too? I have no idea, oh wait, i do, cause he's the saddest among all. wtf.

^ hey dear nigel,

Please dont act like you know me,
I dont even know why are you being so excited about.
Just so happens you know me and my sis does not mean you know anything about us.
so stop trying desperately.
like what the fuck does it have to do with you when my dad keeps the bottle away? NONE.
you wanna know why? Cause we wouldnt invite you over for anything.
So really, you could just keep everything to urself, and if you cant, dont "faye" here and there, cause frankly speaking you dont know shits bout me.
all you know about is, i was one of ur ex-classmate.
oh, maybe now you know something else.
I dislike you nosing into other ppl'sMY life especially when its for joke.
go dig a hole and entertain urself instead.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Today I did a deed that i am ashamed of.

Its been awhile since i last took a LRT.

I think the last time i rode one would be.... mid/early last year? not sure.
things like this wont happen with seth or kent around. heehee :) love you guys!

I took the LRT today because i have to attend ielts workshop at IDP centre in wisma selangor Dredging, in the city, cause the subang branch doesnt have sufficient students to hold them. :/
and the reason why i did not take my car instead is because, i'm a very nice person who cares bout the environment thus do not encourage single drivers to the city which would burden the traffic congestion and further burn unnecessary fuel which would eventually leads on to further global warming and omg everyone of you should really not depend on air conditional anymore if you want the weather to cool down!
dont that sound nice? 0:)

ok enough bullcrap.
I'm not nice, even though half of that is true, but the primary reasons i am not driving to KL is because, i hate traffic jams, the ridiculously expensive parking rate, some more traffics, getting lost, one way streets, and f*ck i just missed that turning, now how do i get back drama.
Yes, indeed i am a very selfish person, so all these things comes naturally to me to retreat back to the LRT solution instead. still an 0:) wtf haha.

anyways, back to LRT. it surprises me, ok slash that. it disgusts me so much that the moment i step foot into the train, I was so overwhelm with how low maintained this used-to-be-so-lovely transport has turned to, I just stood and gawk-ed for a good 10 seconds before i went to get a seat. :(
boo! the Light Rail Transit was one of the proudest thing i had for malaysia. no doubt, they still remain their efficiency, but the lack of "powdering" is not making them look any better.
I was quite dramatic that for that 10 seconds standing stunt at the cabin door, stupid questions like "am i on the right train?" "is this REALLY the LRT?" "did they change anything?" "this is the kelana jaya station right?" actually ran twice in my little brain, ending with a "should i go back to my car right now?" before i went to get a seat when answers from the previous paragraph kicks in. =.=

By the way, i was hungry and sleepy, and a little snappy this noon staring at the "no food and drink" sign in the train the whoooole time, while holding on to my take away. i know i'm sucha chicken :(, but i have reasons! see above that sign reads another sign that says "no smoking" so if i made a move to just eat in the train since it is approximately an hour ride anyways, some smoker on the train could be encouraged to just "puff along" anyways. see i so civilized. f*ck i seriously couldnt save myself if i'm this etiquette always, really. i was starving! not exaggerating.
I was in a almost faint mode staring at that sign and praying for my stop to arrive soon that i barely notice this weak uncle that just came in until he very often interrupted my view of that stupid sign. then i hesitated cause all i could think of is food and someone else can spare him a seat. (lame excuses) it took me several looong seconds before i came to my senses and gave him my seat, luckily before the door closes and the train starts moving.
omg.. i felt terrible at that time. i was so ashamed that i dare not say anything when the good old man thanked me. he's so nice! i feel bad, doubled.
i am sorry for keeping him waiting.

and that the ends my sad sad LRT story. :/
(goodness, xiasueh punye things also can blog. tsk tsk.)

P/S: Thank you tin, for saving me!
i was heading in the opposite direction! *sweat*

Thursday, July 16, 2009



Because I have not feel pretty for a very long time.

I allowforce you to indulge on my one-night-old SS* photo w/ excessive defects. :P

excuse moi!


Monday, July 13, 2009

I stop...

& even talking.
when i see grandma (the healthy one).

[please dont let karma get back on me.]

cause she beats me at it!

No porridge for lunch - complain.
extra porridge for lunch - complain.
little porridge for lunch - complain.
nothing to do - complain.
things to do - complain.
can walk - whine.
can eat - complain.
look at her - whine.
dont look at her - whine.
talk to her - whine.
dont talk to her - whine.
worst of all.
still alive - whine.

Shit, I so deserve death liao.

howwwww... ㅠ.ㅠ

*Terri sinks into depression mode, again.*

Sunday, July 5, 2009

To Mr WTF:

x sneaky viewers!

:) thankyou darling.

for a change of blog genre..

Read thethoughtsofanegg :)

She was a Junior at my workplace [I quit last june]
A year 2 student from Taylors. :)
very sweet girl.
very potential, and by what I see, Ms V's should love her! :)) heehee.

Her writing is a very different approach from normal blogger.
simple, to-the-point, poetic :)

I especially love the post bout her injured finger :))

Good luck Zhi Ying! Hwaiting! 0:)

P/S: Its in Chinese.

Monday, June 29, 2009

... 无聊 ...不开心 ...在想他

想到他, 就想写华语.
哈哈 可爱吧?


好可惜。。 和他在一起6~7月时间 说的都是华文 却没有进步。
可能始终是个 “华文白痴” 吧。。:)

算了。。 趁我还没放弃“慢写”华文之前 快把话说完!

朋友 vs. 久情人。。。 始终 好像不能被连在一块 对吧?

真的很想他。但不再是之前 想他想的酸甜苦辣好复杂的那样了。

想他。。 因为电话簿里少了个可以让我随时随地call的人。

我知道 朋友 就是那种想到就call的人s。

没有挽留他的意思 call他 太烦人了吧。


感觉上 真的少了个朋友。


I miss...

having someone to miss...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

there's no more MY mr.wtf.

i cant believe myself either.
i know its the most stupid way ever to break it this way. and i would never ever advise my friends to do this. cause its stupidly childish.
but guess what? he left me no choice.
I initially "dated" him to settle our problems.
he was okay with it last night. till i msged him at around 3pm to ask for glue cause i feel like making models then he "suddenly" recall that he dont have a car will ask his sis to drop him at 7 and have to get back by 8.
such a rush aint it? :)
so its either that or text msgs, cause i'm not a call-girl. :)

and wonderfully he understand my english. either my english have deteriorated or his have improved. you decide. :)

anyways. dont worry loves, I'm okay really.


Thursday, June 11, 2009



aint it nice i'm in an extremely good mood today??
despite pms-ing.

anyhow, the weather's so grey recently, it reminds me bout the tree i 'planted'...


after such a looooong looooong time no?

so, how do you like my new mural?
I suppose i could take up moss-art, and make this 'tree' live-able... maybe?

(cause she loves everyone tonight)

I looooooooooove sharing emails!

yippadee yappadee woo~ :D:D:D
I manage to restore my password. :D:D:D
and i realize gmail is a very very VERY secure provider. :D:D:D 
it was quite a hassle, wouldnt save lifes during an emergency kinda hassle. but its really good! :D
so people dont lose ur PW!

anyway, lets get back to sharing mails!! :)))

A newlywed couple had only been married for two weeks.

The husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.
So, he said to his new wife, 'Honey, I'll be right back.'
'Where are you going, 
honey bunch?' asked the wife.
'I'm going to the bar, pretty face. I'm going to have a beer.'
The wife said, 'You want a beer, my love?'
She went and opened the door to the refrigerator and showed him 25 different kinds of beer brands from 12 different countries: Germany, Holland , 
Japan, India ,etc.

The husband didn't know what to do, and the only thing that he could think of saying was, 'Yes, lolly pop...but at the bar....you know...they have frozen glasses...'
He didn't get to finish the sentence, because the wife interrupted him by saying, 'You want a frozen glass, 
puppy face?' She took a huge beer mug out of the freezer, so frozen that she was getting chills just holding it.

The husband, looking a bit pale, said, 'Yes, tootsie roll, but at the Bar they have those hors d'oeuvres that are really delicious... I won't be long, I'll be right back. I promise. OK?'
You want hors d'oeuvres, poochi pooh?' She opened the oven and took out 5 dishes of different hors d'oeuvres: 
chicken wings, pigs in blankets, mushroom caps, pork strips, etc.

'But my sweet honey... At the bar... You know...there's swearing, dirty words and all that...'
'You want dirty words, Dickhead? Drink your fucking beer in your Goddamn frozen mug and eat your motherfucking snacks, because you are Married now, and you aren't fucking going anywhere! Got it, Arsehole?'

So he stayed home............

........and, they lived happily ever after.

okay, THE END for today's post. have a nice day, bye.