1.Real name : Yeoh Shu Fei
2. Nick name : faye, shufei, bibi (this are the ones thats still been called recently)
3. Married : i hope i at least have a partner?
4. Male or female : female.
5. Hish School : SMKSJ
6. College : SABD Taylors
7. Short hair or long hair : shoulder?
8. Are you a health freak ? : a little..?
9. Height: i think its 15...2? (gosh why do they this love this? RAWR.)
10. Do you have a crush on someone? : ahem. lol.. no i dont think it is a crush exactly
11. Do you like yourself? : yea, pretty contended *lol* but it depends really. i'll conclude myself more of a hate-able person than a love-able person. you get me?
12. Piercings : one hole on each ear, but i pierced twice. each. =/
13. Righty or left handed? : righty. i hope i can do both hands tho. that'll be soooo cool, and i'd be smarter coz then i'll have TWO brains. which i desperately need hahahahahaha
14. First surgery : er.. should be F3/F4? not sure, but it was minor. AH! wait there's one when i was still in kindi or so very young anyways, and i need stitching on my brow coz i "drifted" on my bike, scraped and slit my brow on a sharp edge of the old type curb. yea.. long story short, i wasnt afraid, and i didnt even know i was bleeding, i just rmb seeing my parents screaming frantically (i'm serious!) from across the street and rushed me to the hospital.. O_O
aww... its pretty cute isnt it? when you're young and ur parents would treat you like you're the precious thing on earth? i miss that.. heehee =)
15. First piercing(s) : highschool. i know very lame, but my mom was against peircing cause she have sensitive ears and fear that we might inherite it.. so to save the trouble, dont pierce, anyways only me out of my sisters have them. boooooo...
16. First person you see in the morning : person.. person... err.. my maid? occasionally my mom. hahahaa
17. First award : kindergarden. gosh i miss those days really, all i have to do is draw and colour and OMG i get presents. life's so simple back then. =)
18. First sport you joined : "officially": volleyball (yes you may laugh all you want. haha); leisurely: cycling =)
19. First pet : rabbits!! a white and a brown and white patches! and i love the brown white one more, coz its slimmer, and would jump all around the backyard, while that white one just sits in the cage all day long. i rmb this one time, when a snake invaded the cage. and the brown white one was all jumpy around, but the snake only laid eyes on the white because it was just there squatting still with its eyes all buldging out of alert. i was praying for the snake to just go away. but it still bit on my white's hind leg =( and that wound never heal... but she only died months later. and then patches went missing and i never want to rare rabbits again =.=
20. First vacation : the one i remember. JAPAN! hahaha.. but it should be AUSSIE.. =)
22. First crush : heehee. primary.. but the one i liked most was much later. xP
23. Eating : what? first eating?
24. Drinking : what are these question actually?
25. I'm about to : i'm suppose to go to bed... 0=D
26. Want kids: YES! hahaha. mind you adoption would be fine.
27. Want to get married : if i meet the right one why not? but if he doenst want to, no big =) i really dont need a paper to prove anything, as long as he's loyal, loving and truthful to me then everything will be okay.. now i'm going a little to far am i not? haha.. lets come back!
28. Careers in mind : err.. one that have constant hours, well pay, and is of the same field i'm working on? 0=D ....AS IF that'll happen. i dont know anymore =(
29. Lips or eyes : err.. i think eye? haha.. i dont really notice where do i look 1st.
30. Hugs or kisses : HUGS! i could live with one everyday everyone ;) heehee.
31. Shorter or taller : Taller please....
32. Romantic or spontaneous : both would be perfect ;) i couldnt choose!
33. Sensitive or loud : sensitive. i think they're cute this way... heehee. =P
34. Trouble maker or hesitant : er.. trouble maker then, since i believe i'm a "hesitant"
35. Kissed a stranger : no.. i havent even kissed... O_O
36. Drank bubbles : bubble tea's bubbles.. yes
37. Lost glasses/contacts : no. i dont wear them. =D
38. Ran away from home : no.. i dont like the idea of that, nor do i support any who does that, but there are times when things goes wrong, i just wanted to be away from home for a few hours.
39. Liked someone younger : haha.. you know what? really there are sooo many more younger cute guys these days. why am i not born a few years younger? but anyways.. no =)
40. Liked someone older : not that i'm aware of.. no.. = gosh i'm pretty sad am i not?
41.Broken someone's heart: i guess...? *eeks!*
42.Been arrested : thankfully no. =)
43.Cried when someone died : so far, none of my beloved is dead so no (AND THANK GOD) but i get real upset at the thought of death and afterlife. its just sooo sad.. =(
44. Liked a friend : this it have to be the same as leiyan, but i always only liked a person from the bestfriend/friend stage. hahaha..
45. Yourself : i hope i have more of this. =\
46. Miracles : yes i do. but it turns out more in fictions.. =.=
47. Heaven : yes.
48. Santa claus : I REALLY HOPE HE EXIST! hahaha
49. Angels : well yes, and i believe they dont have wings, eventhough angels' wings are so beautiful =)
50. Is there one person you want to be with right now : hmm... not particularly.. no.. someone make me fall in love? lol. jk.
51. Do you believe in god : i believe in the existance of god, but i dont believe in them always being there, and i believe there are more ppl who needs them than us the fortunate. thus i wouldnt pray. but i do extremely believe in karma, thus i know i'll be a lonely grumpy old lady one day. hahahahahah. omgosh.
my dear OXH, and QINGY-QING in particularly because they are new-bloggers!!
come on ppl welcome them~ ;) [link's on the right. dont bother xh's, i dont evenknow his concluded blog, i just know he's working on one. hahahaha]
now you all have something to start with =D