Monday, January 12, 2009

remember me? :)

i hope you ppl havent forgot how i look.

anyways, just to refresh your memory [also since i haven't been vain much lately. lol.]

jeng jeng jeng~

i think this is the first time i reveal a picture of me with long straight hair (since straightened). 
nice ka? 

anyways, have anyone notice something not quite right?

hmm. how bout this.. 
did you notice my jaw-line is actually like one sided?

well, to be honest, my jaw-line has always been one-sided.Just not to this extend. meaning, it dont used to be this obvious. only when i talk; and if you have the habit of looking at one's mouth instead of eyes while conversing, then you'll notice. *awkward smile*

anyways, the reason to this should is simple. (i think)

my one and only wisdom tooth has finally grown to its fullest!

*jumps in circles*
arent you proud of me?  *beams*


ON THE "CON" SIDE its a non-functional tooth! 
its so sharp and its grinding against GUM! :(
Its hurting so bad! 
how horrid could it be? :( :(

wtf. damn wrong loh. 
- cannot smile properly.
- cannot bite properly. (i've been swallowing large chunks since i've been back)

and the worst of all. 
- i cant even place my jaw right on default mode. (i have to move/chew/bite/whateveritscalled a few times just to find the "comfort spot".) 
and it varies EVERYTIME! o_o|||

:( :( :(

well, i ought to get it extracted, but the orthodontist is only available on weds and sats, and i HAVE to wait till next wed cause her schedule is full! *whines*

i guess :) would be more like :/ for now.

buh-bye. :/ faye signs out.

* btw i just dunno where to start for the US trip. its a hella load of pics! and i havent even gone through all them. omg. *falls*

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