Thursday, April 26, 2007


i dont know what have gotten into me, but i have been constantly hyper since 2 days ago. and to say the truth, my hyperness wears me out faster than ever, that eventually by 11 i'm already half a zombie, but just wouldn't retreat to bed cause i dont want to. thus sometimes, i'll be replying your messages on msn not knowing what i've said and why i'd said so. well, i hope its not too bad. 0=)

ookay... among the things that i've did when i'm in hyper mode for no particular reason was..
1. i screamed "NYAH~" (yes, i bloody did SCREAM-ed) and jump up from my chair (yes, i did jump-ed TOO) when i finally could connect to the internet, since the thunder strike my line yesterday afternoon.

2. I got frightened by my darling lucky. *ROFL* He was standing up on one side of my chair (i didnt know) barking, and i thought he need attention thus, bend down quite suddenly reaching for the ground. and then realize that he wasnt exactly on the floor, cause my hands were holding air instead of that piglet like dog, and then i turn left and saw him staring at me puppy-eyes, and since we're only (literally.. i guess?) inches apart, i shouted "WAHH!!" *pops back up to sitting position with my expression that felt very much like O_O*
seriously, i was like o.O? when i suddenly realize i was actually frightened by my own darling lucky, and that poor thing got frighten by my sudden reaction.. aww.. *sayang*

rofl.. i seriously have no idea why this hyperness is being with me so long.. but i'm loving it.. i think i tends to annoy more ppl than ever. mwahaha.. *evil fangs*

but i do need to concentrate on my final studio assignment..

... while keeping this hyperness for good... 0=D


while you still keeps the hyperness.. STAY WITH ME BABEHS~~

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